Galeria Luciana Brito

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Gaspar Gasparian, Geraldo de Barros and Thomaz Farkas in the book Photography At MoMA: 1920 To 1960

Tags: Geraldo de Barros/ Gaspar Gasparian / Thomaz Farkas/ MoMA

Gaspar Gasparian, "Sol Nascente", 1953 / Geraldo de Barros, Sem título, 1948/ Thomaz Farkas, “Usina hidrelétrica”, 1945

MoMA has just released the second book of the collection ´Photography at MoMA´. The book Photography At MoMA: 1920 To 1960 is part of a project that aims, with three volumes, to tell the History of Photography through the works in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) Archives.

 Throughout its eight thematic chapters that covers four decades of photography´s history, the book includes works of Gaspar Gasparian (1889), Geraldo de Barros (1923) and Thomaz Farkas (1924). The three artists were members of the notorious Foto Cine Club Bandeirante and played a key role in the consolidation of Brazilian photography as an autonomous art with its own attributes, raising the practice above a mere documentary register.


For more information visit the Museum's website.