Galeria Luciana Brito

LB News

Geraldo de Barros and Waldemar Cordeiro in an exhibition dedicated to concrete art

Tag: Geraldo de Barros / Waldemar Cordeiro/ Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA

Geraldo de Barros, Função diagonal, 1952  Waldemar Cordeiro, Idéia visível, 1956

The groundbreaking work of Geraldo de Barros and Waldemar Cordeiro are part of Making Art Concrete: Works from Argentina and Brazil in the Colección Patrica Phelps, an exhibition inaugurating on September 16th which is part of Pacific Standard Time LA/LA 2017 program.


The show gathers in the Getty Center thirty works from key exponents of the concrete and neoconcrete movements of Argentina and Brazil, where the artists' main concern was geometric abstractionism.


The exhibition had a 3 years-long research and scientific analysis lead by a team of experts from the Getty Conservation Institute and the Getty Research Institute. At the exhibition, it will be displayed the seminal artworks Função diagonal, 1952 and Idéia visível, 1956, from Geraldo de Barros and Waldemar Cordeiro, respectively.


The show runs until February 11th, 2018. For more information, please visit the museum's website.