Galeria Luciana Brito


LB News
  • Luciana Brito Galeria's space at Gomes de Carvalho street

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of its space at Gomes de Carvalho street, at the Vila Olimpia district, Luciana Brito Galeria presents, from November 27th to February 27th, 2016, the exhibition “15”, which recalls the trajectory of more than 70 exhibitions held at the location, that started as Brito Cimino and, in 2008, became Luciana Brito Galeria. “15” also represents another mark: it will be the last show held at the address, as the gallery will be relocated to Jardim Europa in 2016, to a house designed by architect Rino Levi


Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Maria Montero and Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa, curators that have followed closely the history of the gallery in different moments, were invited to conceive the show, condensing the memory of these years of activity, and, at the same time, celebrating the transition to the new location.


The exhibition, with 35 artists, will occupy all of the gallery’s rooms and the selected artworks will be installed at the exact same location they occupied when they were originally displayed. With this selection, the gallery aims to establish new relations between the artists represented by them during the last 15 years.


The selection includes works by artists such Alex Katz, Allan McCollum, Anthony McCall, Caio Reisewitz, Eder Santos, Fabiana de Barros & Michel Favre, Fernando Zarif, Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich, Gaspar Gasparian, Geraldo de Barros, Héctor Zamora, João Luiz Musa, Leandro Erlich, Liliana Porter, Lucas Bambozzi, Marina Abramović, Pablo Lobato, Paula Garcia, Rafael Carneiro, Raphäel Zarka, Regina Silveira, Ricardo Basbaum, Rochelle Costi, Thomaz Farkas, Tiago Tebet, Tobias Putrih e Waldemar Cordeiro, among others.


Works from iconic exhibitions – such as “A Lição” (2002), by Regina Silveira; “Era uma vez...” (2004), by Nelson Leirner; “Transitory Object For Human Use” (2008), Marina Abramović’s first solo show in Brazil; “Inconstância Material” (2012), by Héctor Zamora; and “Você não está sozinho” (2005), Caio Reisewitz’s first solo show – will be seen along pieces or records of great international names presented in the gallery, such as Alex Katz, Allan McCollum, Anthony McCall, Raphaël Zarka, Leandro Erlich, Tobias Putrih, Liliana Porter and Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich.


As a consequence of Luciana Brito Galeria’s history, that has always aimed to establish connections between different movements and generations, “15” will include works by historical names, such as Gaspar Gasparian, Geraldo de Barros, Thomaz Farkas and Waldemar Cordeiro, and pieces by artists in activity since the late 1900s or early 2000s, like Tiago Tebet, Rafael Carneiro and Paula Garcia. The selection also comprises Eder Santos, João Luiz Musa, Lucas Bambozzi, Pablo Lobato, Ricardo Basbaum, Rochelle Costi, Fabiana de Barros & Michel Favre and Fernando Zarif, among other established artists.


Photos, publications and several documents, other than a homonymous fanzine produced by the curators, complete the exhibition. The publication resumes an initiative by the gallery, who, in 1997, on its first address, at Adolfo Tabacow street, released the fanzine “1” for its opening show



In 2016, Luciana Brito Galeria will occupy a modernist house, designed by Rino Levi (1901 – 1965), at Av. Nove de Julho, Jardim Europa district. More than a change of address, the relocation represents a new phase. The “white cube” exhibition model will be left behind, giving space to a new project where the modern architectural heritage and urbanistic questions are integrated to the contemporary visual production. 

Curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Maria Montero and Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa, the show is the last one presented in the space at Gomes de Carvalho street, as in 2016 the gallery will move to a house designed by Rino Levi at Jardim Europa. The selection of works includes pieces by artists such as Regina Silveira, Nelson Leirner, Marina Abramović, Geraldo de Barros, Rochelle Costi, Caio Reisewitz, Thomaz Farkas and Tiago Tebet, exhibited exactly at the same location where they where originally shown in the gallery.


Opening: November 26th (Thursday), 7 pm – 10 pm

Exhibition period: November 27th – February 27th